• Web design
Nowadays we surf the Internet, we have an electronic address and we search products and services in this virtual universe. For this reason, a company that does not have a site looses an important portion of the market and the possibility to interact directly. With the speed as the main Internet characteristic, communication needs to be very efficient and innovative. Otherwise, the competitive site can be accessed with a simple click and your possible client can migrate to other company.
If your company still don’t have a site, or it has but it does not show results, it can be a language problem. Has the communication been done in the right way?
Think about it and contact us. We from Pa-Littus Design will have great pleasure in serving you, offering the best solution for your company.
• Interaction Design – Software Interfaces
The proposal of Interaction Design in the development of new technologies is to improve the communication between users and products through establishing a friendly interface.
In softwares, it is extremely important a well-structured interface, which is easy to use so that the user can interact with the product through it. In other words, the interface is responsible for intermediate the programming codes and the user.
If you have a company that develops softwares, stop and observe your products’ interfaces. Are they efficient?
Pa-Littus’professionals are able to propose and ideal interface for your software, extending and improving the user perception when using the technological products.
• Multimedia CD
The Multimedia CD is a versatile communication instrument, which can have video, audio, photos files simultaneously. It is indicated for: corporate use, publicity, training, products presentation, etc.
• Pictures, texts and translations
In order to have a good publicity of your company, we offer services as photos productions, texts elaboration in Portuguese and translations.